hydrophilic aluminum foil fin stock used in air conditioner

hydrophilic aluminum foil fin stock used in air conditioner

  • Aluminum Fin Stock Haomei Aluminum

    These aluminum fin stocks, ranging from annealed (O) to fully hardened (H113) tempers in both 1100 and 3003 alloys, are commonly used in heat exchangers and HVAC components such as air conditioners, radiators, and evaporators.

  • Aluminum Fin Stock - Signi Aluminum

    Anti-mildew aluminum fin stock is mainly used in the indoor unit’s air conditioning dehumidification section. Its main function is to prevent the surface of heat exchange

  • Why to Choose Hydrophilic Aluminium Foil for Air

      1. Excellent hydrophilicity and corrosion resistance. 2. Good formability and no abrasion to the mold. 3. Extremely strong resistance to stamping oil, solvent and heat. 4. The air flow resistance is

  • Blue/Golden Hydrophilic Aluminum Fin Stock - MC ALU

      Hydrophilic aluminum fin stock have excellent heat transfer performance and corrosion resistance, which can effectively improve the cooling or heating efficiency

  • Air Conditioner Aluminum Foil Hydrophilic Aluminum

    Crafted from alloys like 8011 H24, hydrophilic aluminum foil, with a special water-absorbing coating, enhances heat transfer, prevents corrosion, and makes up over 80% of AC

  • hydrophilic aluminum foil for air conditioner - MC Aluminum

    Hydrophilic aluminum foil is generally used on the evaporator of air conditioner. Its main function is to make the water in the hot air easy to spread and flow down the sheet when

  • Hydrophilic Aluminum Foil Fin Stock Used in Air Conditioning

    Hydrophilic Aluminum Foil Fin Stock Used in Air Conditioning, Find Details and Price about Hydrophilic Aluminum Foil Air Conditioner Foil from Hydrophilic Aluminum Foil

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