Several main causes and precautions for cracking of metal aluminum sheet after bending: 1. Hardness of metal aluminum sheet. Aluminum plates are too hard and easy to crack. This requires the selection of high-quality aluminum plates,
The main causes of bending cracking include: Unremoved burrs on the part edges. Bending direction parallel to the rolling direction of the sheet. Excessively
Challenges in Bending groove-type and Multi-Bend workpiecesBend CrackingThe Bending Edge Is Not Straight and The Size Is UnstableWorkpiece Scraping After BendingCracks at Bending AnglesBending Causes Hole DeformationThinner Bending SurfaceWorkpiece Surface Bulging Or UnevennessUneven Concave Part at The BottomMisalignment of Hole Axes After BendingCause Analysis: 1. Unsmooth Material Surface 1.1. An uneven or rough surface on the material can lead to scraping during the bending process. This is because the irregularities on the surface can cause friction and resistance, resulting in damage to the workpiece. 2. Too Small Convex Die Bending Radius 2.1. If the bending radius of the convex die i...在machinemfg上8 MachineMfg
1) Inaccuracy in sheet metal positioning during bending, or slippage during the bending process, results in misalignment of hole centers along the height
Ever wondered why your sheet metal projects don’t always turn out as planned? This article explores the common issues encountered during sheet metal
Abstract- Spring back is the main defect in sheet metal bending process. The spring back of sheet metal bending, which is defined as elastic recovery of the part during un loading...
The predicted FEM results are presented in the form of edge crack location and its propagation, crack length, forming load and strain distribution in sheet
Various types of cracks exist in metals and can be categorised as cooling, solidification, centreline, crater, grinding, pickling, heat treatment, machining tears,
Therefore, we will briefly understand its bending problem and the cause of cracking after bending. 1. The bending side is parallel to the rolling direction of the color aluminum