5083 high precision aluminum cast plate

5083 high precision aluminum cast plate

  • Cast aluminum plate 5083 - AMCOPLATE

    Reliable top quality – we deliver AMCOPLATE from cast ingot made of alloy 5083 All cast ingot is homogenized (annealed) and highly stress-relieved AMCOPLATE is particularly

  • 5083 Aluminum Plates McMaster-Carr

    Made of 5083 aluminum, these cast tool and jig plates are more corrosion resistant and respond better to anodizing than MIC6. This material is comparable to Alca 5 and ATP 5.


    ALCA5 cast precision plate main advantage is its dimensional stability. The low level of internal stress, reduces considerably the possibilty of plate deformation during and after

  • 5083 精密铝板 中铝实业

    严格控制5083 精密铝板的杂质、碱金属元素和低熔点元件,提高了合金的耐腐蚀性和蠕变性。. 板的两侧都进行铣削和加工,以呈现超平和精细的表面。. 尺寸公差标准是世界领先

  • Aludur - Aluminium cast plate ALT5083

    ALT5083plus aluminium precision milled plate product is characterized by an excellent dimensional stability. By adopting and extended thermal heat treatment the material

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