Aluminium foil is an important material in laminates and has wide application in food packaging. Its barrier function against the migration of moisture,
With disposable packaging, especially plastics-based packaging, posing a threat to the environment today, aluminum converter foil can help meet fundamental sustainability
Aluminium foil is an important material in laminates and has wide application in food packaging. Its barrier function against the migration of moisture,
Aluminium foil in food and drink packaging applications saves more resources than are needed in its production. Various Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) show that alufoil
Aluminum foil is a versatile and convenient material that is used for a variety of food packaging applications. It is known for its excellent barrier properties,
In recent years, aluminum foil containers have gained popularity in retail settings for packaging cakes, in takeout restaurants, and for pre-packaged meals.
Aluminium foil’s absolute barrier preserves valuable goods and prevents them from being lost. It provides a packaging option for extended shelf-life, customized portion packs,