jis g3321 aluminium zinc alloy aluzinc galvalume coated steel sheet aluzinc zincalum galvalume steel coil

jis g3321 aluminium zinc alloy aluzinc galvalume coated steel sheet aluzinc zincalum galvalume steel coil

  • JIS G 3321 : 2019 - 日本規格協会 JSA GROUP Webdesk

    This Standard specifies requirements for hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet (hereafter referred to as sheets), steel strip (hereafter referred to as coils), and

  • JSA - JIS G 3321 - Hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel

      This Standard specifies requirements for hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet (hereafter referred to as sheets), steel strip (hereafter referred

  • JISG3321:2019 溶融55%アルミニウム-亜鉛合金めっき鋼板及び

    Hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet and strip 序文 この規格は,2017年に第5版として発行されたISO 9364を基に,技術的内容を変更して作成した日本. 工業

  • Hot-dip zinc-aluminium-magnesium alloy-coated steel sheet and

    Hot-dip zinc-aluminium-magnesium alloy-coated steel sheet and strip 1 Scope This Standard specifies requirements for hot-dip zinc-aluminium-magnesium al-loy

  • Hot-dip zinc-aluminium alloy galvanized coatings

    hot-dip zinc-aluminium alloy-coated steel sheets and strips specified in JIS G 3317 and JIS G 3323, or hot-dip zinc-aluminium alloy-coated iron wires and steel wires that are

  • Prepainted hot-dip 55 % aluminium — zinc alloy-coated steel

    the hot-dip 55 % aluminium — zinc alloy-coated steel sheet and strip as well as re- quirements for the corrugated sheet processed into the shape and dimensions as speci-

  • JIS G3321 Aluminium Zinc-Alloy Aluzinc Galvalume Coated Steel

    JIS G3321 Aluminium Zinc-Alloy Aluzinc Galvalume Coated Steel Sheet, Aluzinc/Zincalum/Galvalume Steel Coil. Galvalume steel not only has the sacrifice

  • JIS G3321 Aluminium Zinc-Alloy Aluzinc Galvalume Coated Steel

    JIS G3321 Aluminium Zinc-Alloy Aluzinc Galvalume Coated Steel Sheet, Aluzinc/Zincalum/Galvalume Steel Coil. Reference FOB Price. Get Latest Price. US

  • JIS G 3321:2019 - Hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel

    Hot-dip 55 % aluminium-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet and strip. with a verified email before subscribing to alerts. Documents sold on the ANSI Webstore are in electronic


    55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coated Steel - hot-dip aluminum zinc alloy coated structural steel with guaranteed minimum yield strength. Meets ASTM A792-09

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